Introduction & Jam Sessions


Welcome to my blog! 

My name is Kristina, I am a NYC female musician on the journey of self discovery, awareness and worth. 

There are so many circumstances living in this city that I continuously question: 

- Why cant it be easier for artists to live here? 
- Are we really supposed to have multiple jobs outside of our art form? 
- Why is the subway system so disastrous? 
- Will the rent ever decrease?
- Why is keeping relationships so difficult? (both friendships and love interests) 
- Do we really have to live in unsafe neighborhoods to pay less rent? 

Obviously some of these questions you probably chuckle at because we all question this. This city of opportunity is sooo difficult to live in! I've created this blog to give you insight of New York and what I'm learning each day to try to become more stabilized as a person and as a musician. 

Here is my first insight for you....

🎶Jam Sessions 🎶

1. Don't go into a jam session with high expectations. 
2. Remember you are there to learn & to network. 
3. If you get the opportunity to play on a song, be mindful of others around you including the audience! So STOP taking 5 choruses of solos
4. HAVE FUN! When you vibe people, it's not a positive vibe to be around. Everyone is there for the same reason you are (I hope) 
5. Don't get mad at the venue if they have a cover fee, you are supporting the club and you are supporting your musicians so SUPPORT. 
6. Don't go to a jam session drunk, that's not a good look. 
7. Singers are musicians too. 
8. If you're not in the mood to go to a jam session, don't force yourself! 

Jams That I Attend (I find that are super welcoming): 

- Mondays- Producer Mondays hosted by Ray Angry at Nublu 151 , if you're into more freestyle jams with singers, musicians, rappers, etc. 

- Tuesdays- Vocal Jam Session at Mezzrow  hosted by different vocalist each week, if you're looking for a straight ahead jazz jam. 

- Wednesdays- Sullivan Fortner at Mezzrow (go and watch this session, you'll meet a lot of great musicians ) 

-Saturdays- The Harlem Sessions hosted by Marc Cary at Smoke Jazz Club, if you want both straight ahead jazz & funk in the same night. 

* The Shed Open Jam is also a great session, but you have to pay attention when this is happening. It's not a regular weekly hang but it's definitely worth it! 

Ps. I am starting up a jam session throughout different parts of the city called Neo Jam. 
April 30th will be at West End Lounge and May 21st will be at Gin Fizz

If you have anymore recommendations of jams I should check out and include in my list please feel free to contact me 

Thank you so much for checking out my first post! I'll be posting more soon. Stay tuned...

Stay positive and lean into your career, you got this! 

💗 Kristina 

If you have any questions or would like to reach out to me please follow me on InstagramFacebook, and check out my website
